Village Building Convergence 2011

VBC11 Urban AlchemyVBC11 Urban AlchemyVBC11 Urban Alchemy

Village Building Convergence

City Repair’s Village Building Convergence is an annual ten-day placemaking festival that combines crowdsourced activism, creative community development, hands-on education and celebration.

Eva will be leading the second year of a straw-clay retrofit at the Planet Repair Institute, including Larson truss framing, mixing and installing straw clay for both interior and exterior settings.  Learn how to make and use straw-clay effectively and efficiently to build insulated walls!

This project will be happening every day of the VBC at 8512 SE 8th, Portland 97202.

We will also make and apply a beautiful finish plaster to last year’s straw-clay and chicken palace.  If you like wood-fired ovens, we will also be retrofitting an existing cob fireplace into an oven!  In addition to these projects you can learn about aquaponics, how to install a green roof, plus tours of the Planet Repair Institute, an incredible place where City Repair and The Village Building Convergence began!!

Dates: May 27th – June 5th
Theme: Urban Alchemy
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