Sustainable Shelter Workshop Series

Natural Building and Green Design from the ground up!

August 1st – September 16th, 2011

The Sustainable Shelter Workshop Series is a 7 week course designed to empower participants with the ability to design/build/renovate their own home using simple techniques and natural, vernacular materials.

Please visit Aprovecho’s website for full course information

Wk. 1 The Foundation: Rocks, Earthbags, and Concrete

Wk.2 Working with Wood: Timber, Pole, and other Green Framing Techniques

Wk.3 A Simple Yurt

Wk. 4 Inside Insulation: From Strawbale to Slip n’ Chip

Wk.5 Heat for the Home: Masonry Heaters and Rocket Stoves

Wk.6 Natural Plasters and Finishes: The Craft of Lime and Clay

Wk.7 As Clear As Mud: Earthen Floor Systems

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