The Cabin Stove

The Cabin Stove is a compact wood-burning stove for heating and cooking. It uses a mix of clean, efficient combustion, and heat exchange strategies, which provide both immediate heat via the cooktop as well stored heat through the channels inside the brick work. Effectively, it converts wood into warmth and good food.

This cookstove is a hybrid between rocket mass heater and masonry heater technologies that has precedents throughout the world, especially in Europe. While it embraces many aspects of rocket mass heater design, one of the main differences is that it substitutes the barrel-style heat exchanger for a flat metal cooktop which makes for a compact footprint.  It also includes a batch-style firebox which is characteristic of masonry heater and newer rocket mass heater designs.

Cabin Stove Videos:

Project Map:

  • The Cabin Stove Plans are currently not available for purchase as I feel that they are outdated.  Joining our mailing list is the best way to stay abreast of updates.
  • Edit Current Documentation. (2018)
  • Design New Cabin Stove using simplified hardware. (2018-2019)

Cabin Stove Hardware:

We now have a full line of hardware to offer for your project. Check out our Masonry Heater Hardware Catalog!

Design History:

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